Why You Should Have a Website
Why should I have a website? That is the question most small business owners have in their mind. Just give it a thought, if you wanted to buy a new laptop or mobile phone what would you do? Get outside in freezing cold or hot weather and make several stops to find the best seller […]
Social Media: Jugular Vein of Digital Marketing
Social media is an extremely powerful marketing tool that can help push your business to success. Here are some of the things you need to know to make it work to your advantage. What is social media? The use of web-based and mobile technologies to turn communication into interactive dialogue. Simply put, social media marketing […]
How people see your website
Billions of websites and more than two billions of users, it is very difficult to design a website that will grab visitor attention. For those who plan to either jump-start or redesign a website, here are several useful stats that they should take into consideration before starting the whole process. The power of digital influence […]
The rumors for Windows 10 Mobile release in December seems to be true
The rumors for Windows 10 Mobile release in December seems to be true as Microsoft released new Windows 10 Mobiles Insider Build. Build 10586 is a minor update over the previous build, that makes solid indication that we are on pace for the rumored Windows 10 Mobile unveiling in December. Gabe Aul, Vice President of […]
SEO Principles worth remembering
Search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo tend to change their algorithms time to time to make searches more user friendly and meaningful. To keep the site up to date with search engine we must keep ourselves in contact with search engines updates. Here we think these principles are the basics of SEO and we […]